Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Ride

46 miles around the north end of Lake Washington on a sunny Memorial Day, hoping to build some seat team in preparation for Livestrong. It being a holiday, once again the masses were out on the popular trails, although I timed this photo of the SRT to not include the families riding two and three abreast.

Took a right off the SRT at Marymoor and headed up the 520 trail through Nintendo and Microsoft Land, where I saw this sign at an intersection. What does it mean? If a car turns right and a bike proceeds straight ahead, apparently some sort of fusion-induced catastrophe will occur, perhaps rendering all the hardware and software in the surrounding area inoperable.

Stopped at Enatai Park under the I-90 bridge for a fluid exchange, and caught this summer scene. Fishing was probably lousy, but given the sunshine, I doubt if they really cared.

On the Seattle side, as I crossed 520 at Montlake, traffic westbound was completely stopped as some autos had tried to occupy the same space at the same time, just west of the overpass. And, traffic crossing the Montlake Bridge was backed up, probably as the drawspan was open. A glorious day not to be in a car!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
