Sunday, August 28, 2011

41 Miles - Boeing Field Loop

OK, gotta keep doing this. 41 miles on a late August foggy then sunny day, around Boeing Field, back up Alaskan Way, where the detours are a bit of a mess, given tunnel construction, but nice new stretch of bike lane below the ferry dock.

Lots of fishermen at the Duwamish Fishing Dock, where the river meets Elliott Bay....

And, SDOT is scheduled to complete the Ship Canal Trail in the next couple of months.

I'm back on track after the medical stuff this week, getting ready mentally and spiritually for the fall quarter at TLF, and putting a premium on going with the flow, being Zen about things, as well as maintaining perspective, sense of humor and place before the craziness ramps up.

I'm going to need the two-wheeled therapy.

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