Monday, May 26, 2008

Back In the Saddle, Again

So, after a bit of a layover, got back on the bike again this week and did about 55 miles, including a commute, more of that to come, given the price of gasoline, and a Sunday excursion around North Seattle.

Visited C who was sitting on a house on Sand Point (lots of good ideas there for the downsizing to come in several years), then went over 155th to Greenwood, headed into Blue Ridge and down to the road to Golden Gardens. That road is still closed because of the slides last winter. Made it into Sunset Hill, down to Shilshole, BGT extension to GG, and then back home. 745 miles YTD.

Decided to bag the STP this year. Not really up for it, haven't been training, schedule conflicts, etc, and will concentrate on RSVP instead. Life gets in the way of the cycling adventures, but that's fine.

BTW, the M's suck, and maybe Ross Anderson says it best.

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