Friday, March 14, 2008

What's been going on?

So, why no posts? Nothing going on? Well, I've done some riding (around Lake Wa last weekend, about 50 miles, but the bike computer was low on batteries, so exact mileage unknown), been working out (weights and stationary bike) periodically, been pretty good about it actually, reading the other blogs, including Coach Tammy's No Try blog, all while C's working at 125% capacity on RHS Jazz Auction, dealing with end-of-winter quarter angst at SSIT, and it's comforting, perhaps, to look at Robin's and GVB's writings and know that we're probably all to slammed with the same EOQ to take the time to jot down, or maybe there's nothing going on except work at this point.

I need a vacation. Big time. Been grumpy, bored, tired, tense, not sleeping well and not really enjoying the waking hours.

Tomorrow is the McClinchy Mile Ride through back-country Snohomish County. Looking forward to some new territory, and hope that the March chill/drizzle/wind all breaks up a bit. Time to shake the cob webs a good deal and drop these blues in the dust (mud.)

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